19 February 2016
All covered persons are directed to apply enhanced due diligence in accordance with Rule 9.a.9.a in relation to Rule 9.a.9.b of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (RIRRs) of the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001 (AMLA), as amended, relative to the jurisdictions identified in the FATF Public Statement - 19 February 2016 and to take into account the information relative to the jurisdictions mentioned in the Improving Global AML/CFT Compliance: on-going process – 19 February 2016
19 February 2016
All covered persons are directed to apply enhanced due diligence in accordance with Rule 9.a.9.a in relation to Rule 9.a.9.b of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (RIRRs) of the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001 (AMLA), as amended, relative to the jurisdictions identified in the FATF Public Statement - 19 February 2016 and to take into account the information relative to the jurisdictions mentioned in the Improving Global AML/CFT Compliance: on-going process – 19 February 2016
Notice of AMLC Resolution No.64
27 February 2015
Pursuant to AMLC Resolution No. 64, Series of 2014, all covered persons are directed to apply enhanced due diligence in accordance with Rule 9.a.9.a in relation to Rule 9.a.9.b of the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations (RIRRs) of the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001 (AMLA), as amended, relative to the jurisdictions identified in the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF) Public Statement dated 27 February 2015, and to take into account the information relative to the jurisdictions mentioned in the FATF’s Compliance Document also dated 27 February 2015.
Notice Of AMLC Reso TF-03
15 December 2014
On 15 August 2014, the United Nation Secuirty Council (UNSC) adopted the Resolution No. 2170 reiterating its condemnation of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the Al Nusrah Front (ANF), all other individuals, groups, undertakings and entities associated with Al Qaida for ongoing and multiple criminal terrorist acts aimed at causing the deaths of civilians, destruction of property, cultural and religious sites and greatly undermining stability.
The UNSC also decided that the following individuals are subject to measures such as asset freeze, travel ban and listing (designation) pursuant to UNSCR 2161 (2014);
Click here to download Complete Notice of AMLC Resolution No. TF-03.
Click here to download UNSCR No. 2170.
Click here to download UNSCR No. 02161.
Click here to download UN Sanction List as of December 12, 2014.
Notice Of AMLC Reso TF-02
9 October 2012
The public, covered institutions as defined under the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001, as amended, and all relevant government agencies, including the Land Transportation Office, Land Registration Authority, Register of Deeds, Maritime Industry Authority and Civil Aviation Authority, are hereby informed that the Anti-Money Laundering Council issued Resolution No. TF-02, Series of 2012, directing the freezing without delay of property or funds, including related accounts, of the designated terrorist individuals and entities named in the Taliban 1988 Sanctions List pursuant to United Nations Security Council Resolution No. 1988.
The public is hereby reminded that Section 8 of Republic Act No. 10168, otherwise known as "The Terrorism Financing Prevention and Suppression Act of 2012" prohibits any person from either: i) dealing with any property or funds, financial or other related services to designated and/or identified persons and entities named in the Taliban 1988 Sanctions List.
Click here to download Complete Notice of AMLC Resolution No. TF-02.
Click here to download AMLC Resolution No. TF-02, Series of 2012.
Click here to download United Nations Security Council Resolutions No. 1988
Click here to download the Taliban Sanctions List.
All succeeding updates to both the Taliban 1988 Sanctions List and the Al-Qaida Sanctions List shall hereinafter be posted in the AMLC website.
Notice Of AMLC Reso TF-01
2 October 2012
The public, covered institutions as defined under the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001, as amended, and all relevant government agencies, including the Land Transportation Office, Land Registration Authority, Register of Deeds, Maritime Industry Authority and Civil Aviation Authority, are hereby informed that the Anti-Money Laundering Council issued Resolution No. TF-01, Series of 2012, directing the freezing without delay of property or funds, including related accounts, of the designated terrorist individuals and entities named in the Al-Qaida Sanctions List pursuant to United Nations Security Council Resolution Nos. 1267/1989.
Click here to download Complete Notice of AMLC Resolution No. TF-01.
Click here to download AMLC Resolution No. TF-01, Series of 2012.
Click here to download United Nations Security Council Resolutions Nos. 1267/1989
Click here to download the Al Qaida Sanctions List.
The public is likewise reminded that Section 8 of Republic Act No. 10168, otherwise known as "The Terrorism Financing Prevention and Suppression Act of 2012" prohibits any person from either: i) dealing with any property or funds belonging to designated persons and entities; or ii) making available any property or funds, financial or other related services to designated and/or identified persons and entities named in the Al-Qaida Sanctions List.
Republic Act 10168
On 18 June 2012, His Excellency President Benigno S. Aquino III, signed into law Republic Act No.10168, otherwise known as the Terrorism Financing Prevention and Suppression Act of 2012. This law took effect on 5 July 2012.
Click here to download R.A. No.10168
On 6 August 2012, pursuant to Section 22 of Republic Act No. 10168, otherwise known as "The Terrorism Financing Prevention and Suppression Act of 2012", the AMLC promulgated the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRRs) of R.A. No. 10168. The IRRs were published in the Philippine Star, a newspaper of general circulation, on 11 August 2012 and took effect on 26 August 2012.
Click here to download the IRRs of R.A. No.10168